Monday, April 16, 2012

Where you There?

So, my new companion has a cd from Jericho Road - less boy bandy more awesome spiritual musicy - and there´s a song entitled "Where you there?" And Essentially the song lyrics go "Where you there when they crucified our Lord? Where you there? Would you remember? *remember (that´s the backup singers) Anyways, that´s the song that is going through my head. And to answer that question. I´m sure I was there. Wasn´t at my sisters´ weddings (a lot of people in Argentina think it´s rude that you two didn´t wait for me. But I´m okay with it. I just want pictures). But I was there when Christ was crucified. I just don´t remember. But I do get the chance to testify that it happened. And something that I was thinking about. I was reading my patriarchal blessing the other day and it talks about how I will have the opportunity to teach the principles of the Gospel and how I will have joy doing it. Okay, lets be 100% real. I was reading my blessing today, and thinking about what I´m doing as a missionary. And the word "joy" pops up quite a bit. And I was thinking about if I could say that I have had a lot of joy in my life. I could definately say happy, moments of mirth for sure, I mean, come on! I´m hilarious! It just comes out of me. That´s why I´m so skinny, I laugh all the time. So I had to do a bit of self analysis. What is joy? What is joy to you guys? Is it winning the basketball game against the rival team (Broomfield 3rd vs 1st ward? good times). Ace-ing the test? Do any of those things really matter? Or is it standing in a group of family members praying and watching as two children of God become one step closer to living with God again. I wasn´t even there, but I´m betting a lot of my family felt true joy this weekend. And my joy - is knowing who I am. A daughter of God, and having the opportunity to share it. It´s not work - in the grudgingly given, burdened down, dreading the dawn type of work. It´s hard, takes a lot of patience and planning (oh the planning sessions we have!), and you don´t get a lot of thanks (agradecimiento?). But every day I receive a witness that I´m doing exactly what God wants me to do, even when I botch it - because I´m at least trying my best. Here´s the joy that I have had this week: Hna Paola - aka Belletrix Lestrange - wants to come back to church. She wants to quit smoking, and she wants her family to be together. She hasn´t gone to church in 10 years. Juan y Cintia - finally prayed about the Book of Mormon, even better, they recognize that the "good feelings" they get when they read are actually confirmations from God. They´ve accepted baptism, have actually committed to coming to church (before it was always, I´m not going to promise anything) and are opening up to us as to how they want to change their lives and what they are willing to do. And do you want to know why we were able to have this progress? Miembro justo - her name is Rosalia, convert of two-three years ish and she was so excited to share her testimony and the strength she has to recognize that the commandments of God - wait for it, because this is epic- are commandments. They aren´t guidelines, they are not suggestions, they are commandments from God because He knows that is what we need to do to be happy, and breaking commandments is akin to denying the power and wisdom of God. I love having members with us in lessons. Alejandro - we called him Saturday night and he said he wanted to move up his baptismal date (it was 12th of may) to this saturday. Then he didn´t come to church, that´s rough, BUT! He still wants to get baptized. More to come on his story. He´s currently in Mendoza. Family Manrique - a reference from Ushuaia. They are Catholic by tradition, but don´t like it. And the sister of the mom is a member. Her nephew served part of his mission in Peru before cutting some tendons in his knee. The nephew lived with them for about a month after his surgery- giving them some time to feel the spirit and be open to listening. They don´t feel like they have the abilities to change religions at this point in their lives (52 is not to old) but they openly acknowledged that we have something different. We are blessed. Anyways, Find your joy. Acknowledge it. And recognize that it probably won´t come from anything, it most likely will come from a someone - or many someones. Because we can´t take stuff with us to heaven, but we can meet people there when we get there. Love you all, Hermana Reed

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