Monday, June 20, 2011

And the weeks fly by

Okay, so, Since yesterday was Father´s day (happy Father´s day pops) Almost everything was closed today. I´m writing this letter at 5:45 de la noche, so it´s going to be quick, and less funny. Because the funny comes in the details. And now I have to summarize. I hate summarizing. Where´s the fun in that.

First off, to my wonderful blessed father who climbed two 14´s in one day, crazy man that he is. Read 3 Ne 3:19, that´s what I think of you. Second, would someone please get in touch with Uncle Doug and Aunt Deryn (do they read this?) and ask them to take a picture of President Gulbrandsen from one of the ads on the back of the Yellow Pages if they still have one and send it to me. Yes I will print it off. Yes I will show him. No I will not tell him your names. Pretty please. Thank you.

Third - anyone want to look up a 70 for me? He was recently called and his last name is Haynie. I want to see if it´s the dad of my freshman roommate. a picture would be nice, since I do and always have referred to him as ¨Brother Haynie¨so really a first name won´t do me any good.

Okay, summarized stories. a) I´m cool, intelligent, and all around awesome. It´s cold here in winter, and sketchy to run in busy capitol streets at 6 in the morning. So for my cardio I have decided to pull out an unused mattress that is sitting under my bed.....and use it as a trampoline. Yes, I really am that cool. I thought you should know about that.

b) I have rekindled my personality now that the first transfer is over, and I´m even starting to hear and tell jokes. For all you cool cats out there, tell this to your friends. ¨What did the Gaucho say to his daughter? Hiiiiiiija! (Yeehaw)¨ I know right? Hilarious. I laughed for 5 minutes. I thought it was funny.

and c) I have completely ruined my companions ability to speak spanish. She´s started speaking English to members. And last week for Weekly Planning she started her prayer ¨Dear Heavenly Father......laughter¨ She hasn´t said an english prayer in over a year. I don´t know why she thought now would be a good time for that. But I love her, and she loves me- :)

Okay, so last off I wanted to just discuss something I was thinking about. Also, I want to make sure that even my e-mails are mildly spiritually uplifting since I´m called to bring people to Christ. Do people feel uplifted reading these things? I hope so.

Regardless, so yesterday we had a Noche de Hogar (FHE) with an investigator and we watched the Testaments. When they are flashing through the life of Jesus Christ and his crucificion, whatever, i don´t know how to spell it anymore, you know what I´m talking about, when he died, that part, wondering if he felt a sense of relief. I have wondered a lot about the amount of emotion Jesus Christ had. Because, of course, he was perfect. But did he get annoyed? I would have. There´s that one time where He forgives a man and the pharisees are all ¨who does he think he is saying someone is forgiven?¨And Jesus replies ¨which is harder? Forgiving someone of their sins, or making a lame man walk?¨and then commands the man to rise and walk. Kind of like a ¨take that you doubting pharasee´s¨type thing. But probably not. The thing is, I don´t know. I don´t know what emotions he felt. But my thought was, he HAD to have felt relief at that moment on the cross when he said it is finished and gave up the ghost. And my first thought, was just relief that the physical pain was over. Being the mortal that I am, if I had to go through that I would have been stressing about it the whole week leading up to this point. I´m going to throw a Celestial party that it´s over. And then, with more thought, I feel that yes, Christ would have felt a huge sense of relief. But not because the physical pain was over. Although that might have been a part of it. But what a huge emotional and spiritual relief, that finally, everyone had access to be saved. He did it. Atonement completed. Physical death overthrown. Spiritual death no longer an unconquerable problem. Everyone could access repentance and return to Heavenly Father. Because until he accomplished it, a lot was on the line. That´s why a third of Heaven chose not to accept the Plan of Happiness presented by Heavenly Father and gain bodies. They didn´t think that Jesus would be able to do it. But he did. Huge sense of relief.

I still have no idea how deeply the emotions of Jesus Christ went. Loving, kind, charitable, always. I have no idea if he had a sense of humor. But I feel like he did. And I know that I stress over the salvation of our investigators, and it´s going to be a huge sense of relief when they get baptized. The battle isn´t over, but they are so much closer after baptism. Sometimes I feel like that´s where the joy comes from that is spoken about in D&C. How great shall be your joy if you bring but one soul unto Christ.

Oh, analyzing. I do just love it so. it´s crazy. I´m crazy. I make myself more stressed then I need to be. I haven´t slept for a full night in over 4 months. But I have the energy every day that I need. And I will for the next 18 months. less, then., Whatever. You all know what I mean. Totally worth it. Vale la pena. Christ loves you. Dios does too. I really do. Thank you for your prayers. I know I couldn´t do the work without them. Even with my prayers, if I didn´t have yours, life would be so much harder. Keep up the good work. Access the Atonement daily. It´s there for you.

Hermana Reed

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