Saturday, December 3, 2011

Antes de morir. VIVE

Siempre me siento feliz, sabes porque? Porque no espero nada de nadie, esperar siempre duele. Los problemas no son eternos, siempre tienan solucion, lo unico que no se resuelve es la muerte. La vida es corta, por eso, amala, se feliz y siempre sonrie, solo vive intensamente. Antes de hablar, escucha, antes de herir, siente, antes de rendirte, intenta. antes de morir. VIVE.

este cita es de William Shakespear, y no, no yo traduje. Estuvo en un locutorio donde fuimos para hacer llamadas. Pero me gusto. hay mas importante cosas en nuestras vidas que preocuparnos sobre las cosas del mundo. tenemos amigos y familia y tenemos la abilidad para ser feliz para siempre. y nosotros tenemos el conocimiento sobre lo que tenemos que hacer para regresar y vivir con Dios despues de esta vida. podemos hacerlo. Vamos a hacerlo. sigan adelante. La iglesia es verdadera. Yo estaba en la despedida de Hna Jones ayer, y escuchamos el testimonio de Hna Gulbrandsen. y, su español no es muy bueno, pero todavia, cada persona en la salon sacramental pudieron sentir de su sinceridad y de la verdad en sus palabras. y eso me gusta mas que nada. el espiritu santo habla cada idioma, porque habla la idioma mas important. La verdad. y cuando preguntamos a Dios para saber la verdad, vamos a recibirlo. Dios nos ama un monton. Y tenemos que recordarlo cada dia.

If anyone was wondering how my spanish is coming along.....I hope I have crystallized it for you. It is not a challenge anymore. Anyways! Want to hear some great news! I´m going to train again! I know right, duh, Hna, you are training Hna Sperry, and it is a 12 week program. But wait! Pte Gulbrandsen is giving me a NEW companion to train. I am just so special. I have no idea how it came to be, but it is so. It is actually great, because I will still be in Vicinte Lopez, but now there are going to be two companionships of Hermanas, which means we are going to work miracles! I love training. it is like a power play, because the new missionaries have no idea what is going on and can just focus on receiving revelation for our investigators. LOVE IT!

So, the coolest thing that happened this week is that we found a family to teach. They were a reference from the CCM missionaries here in Buenos Aires. and they actually were golden, just like they told us. We knocked on the door and they let us in right away! It was almost shocking, but we handled it coolly. we taught them lesson 1 and they actually came to church on sunday. I love it. They are going to get baptized for sure.

And then Sunday, we had the despidida. Hna Jones se fue. She is now back in the states and loving it (i am sure). Also, Elder Johnson, our district leader went home. He told us he was so nervous he hadn´t eaten anything in 2 days. Poor kid. we were talking to him earlier and he said that the biggist change on his mission is that now he is not scared to talk to people....which is true. I could totally see him being the shy, not talk to anyone type before the mission. but now it is not a problem. we just grow up so fast on the mission.

And then sunday night I heard the news that I was training again. Which was shocking, because I was expecting a phone call, but nice because I dont have as much time to worry about things. Currently I am in El Talar with Hermana Olsen (she will be training too) and it is very campo. We just passed by a couple of buggies being drawn by horses. I am super excited to be hear. But it is also hot and humid. I am starting to sweat like crazy. But I kind of like it too. mucho mejor que el frio. But! Hermana Whitehead is in el sur! Sorry, I know that was random, but she is. and I miss her, because now we will not be able to see each other at training meetings, and that makes me sad. But she is super stoked to be going south for the summer, sad because she spent 7 months in tigre and now will be spending christmas with strangers. but she is a trooper so I am not to worried.

Anyways, things to do, ways to prepare. But I am glad you all had a fabulous thanksgiving. To be truthful, I completely forgot about it. We were making phonecalls thursday and were calling all the american families and no one picked up. I couldn´t for the life of me figure out why until my companion reminded me that all americans are celebrating turkey day. my bad. I got lost in the work. But thank you for thinking of me and all the other missionaries.

Keep doing good and being good. The Lord is blessing all of us every day with miracles. And we can see them if we are searching.

Hermana Reed

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