Okay, so a lot of people have been asking about how my spanish is doing. I will tell you. Never have I learned so much about English as I have learning spanish. The actual language is coming along fine. I understand how to conjugate and what words mean what. Really, spanish isn't that hard for me. I've had a lot of background already, and with the gift of tongues, no problem-o. I'm actually a little worried that I haven't gone to bed with a spanish headache like many of the missionaries in my district....but not worried enough to spend more than a thought on it. I do struggle though. Just ask Hermano Harper who watched me try to teach the difference between imperfect and preterite. They are both ways to speak in the past. And I had to get up in front of the whole district and try to teach it. Let's just say, I could have been a substitute for the flaming pillar Lehi saw when he was praying to God in Jerusalem. Face *whoosh* beet red. The one subject I am not confident on I would be picked to teach. What. The. Lame.
Okay, so now on to why I am famous. I mean, other than the obvious. Of course I'm beautiful, charming, and wittingly funny, but we all also know that I stick myself in the corner....because that's where all the cool people sit. No, but this week, lots of things happened. First off, I met a one Sister Christiansen from a Sanford, Colorado who's going to Nauvoo (sound familiar Grandma?). I actually accidently contacted her, and she knew me. She called me out! Don't I know you? Oh man! You have grandparents in Sanford! And I'm sitting there thinking ".....oh crap, am I supposed to know her?" She recognized my face!! I wasn't very smooth. I admitted to not knowing her, she took it well. Actually, she thought I was Danica. She asked me if I had a twin. But she knows us....awkward for me. Actually, the really awkward part was when I ran into her a couple of days later, and tried contacting her and her companion...again. Didn't remember who she was, didn't remember where she came from. Again, she knew me. Shoot.
And then, there have been like three other people who have come up to me this week in devotionals or firesides, once in the cafeteria, all saying the same thing, "hey, you look familiar, do I know you?" to which I reply "....uh, I don't know, am I supposed to know you?" Blank look on my face, every time. No bueno. So, ha! famous.
Actually, the real famouscity (it's a word) happened during class. We were getting ready to sit down and start and our teacher pulls up a chair and says, "Okay, I'm going to use the words of a famous person when I say "something something, rapid spanish" Except he actually spoke in spanish. And I may or may not have been zoning out, so I didn't actually catch what he said, I was just thinking about famous sayings when I hear Elder Black say, "Oh, Hermana Reed." "......Que? what just happened?" Great time to zone out Hermana. Apparently, what had happened is that our teacher had asked us if there was anything we wanted specifically to work on. aka, do we have any problems (remember a couple e-mails ago when I said that while contacting? yeah, that time). me, having not paid attention once again blushes beet red, "oh.....I get it." ha, so there ya go. I'm famous and you didn't even know it. Although apparently our teachers had discussed this in a zone meeting and a lot of the other teachers thought it was brilliant. 95 % of the time it won't work, but it's very simple, and to the point. Hey! Just like me. :)
Okay, on to bigger and better things. The Fireside this Sunday was amazing. We had the BYU's Men's chorus come down and do a musical fireside. Which was amazing. I do love to hear men sing. They sang a bunch of songs, but the coolest were 4 songs from different countries. They did one from Hungary, and the men did a little dance with it. A song from New Zealand by the Mauri people. A song from Scotland. And my favorite, a song from China. (beez, that's for you) essentially they said two phrases over and over "i play my gong, I play my drum" that's it. But they had a native playing this cool windpipe. And...man, it was amazing. It was so nice to hear music!! I miss it. Especially in the morning when I'm getting ready. And running. And at night. I like music. Oh, but one of the best parts is that I got to see Brian Pearce, whom much of you won't know. But Clay will! Yup, he's still in it. And It was just great to see him, even though we're not bff's or anything. But I got to say I knew someone in the choir.
Oh, and speaking of music, I got to play the piano in sacrament meeting. hermana Whitehead did the leading. And by the end, we were both sweating from nerves I nearly couldn't play the keys. Not that anyone but ourselves were juding us. But, hey! It's nerve wracking, please don't judge. But I did realize something, later once I was sitting down. Playing the piano is kind of like the mission. Well, this experience was. The thing is, with everyone being rather limited on hymnal knowledge, we kind of sing the same songs all the time. So I stretched myself a bit and chose ones that we don't usually sing...aka ones I don't really know. And when did I decide to play the hardest song? That's right, right before the sacrament. Good job Hermana, way to bring in the Spirit with a botched song. But really, I was praying so hard, "please just let the spirit be here for the sacrament, despite my playing capabilities and the difficulty of this song. Pleeeeaase." Good news: I didn't play it that bad. So here's the connection. I have come out on a mission. And I'm going to have to stretch myself, and I know that I can't do everything on my own. I can't learn a language in 9 weeks, I can't learn how to be an amazing teacher in 9 weeks. I just can't. But if I put myself out there for a little embarrassment, God will be with me. He always has been. and of all the people mortal and immortal, he's never let me down. So, I'm going to do it. 3 weeks everyone. Then I'm in Argentina. Santa Vaca (holy cow).
The most exciting news though is that I've finally found someone I'm excited to teach. Her name is sister hunt and she works at the TE. She's supposed to pretend to be an investigator so we can practice but the last time we went we got distracted and talked about her real self. And then our 30 minutes was over and we hadn't done our lesson. So i asked her if she as a real person had any needs. And she told us. So I finally have a real person to teach. i don't like teaching the fakers. I know it's practice, but I have a hard time really getting into it. Because it's not real. I'm not really teaching a person from Mexico, I'm teaching a person who's pretending to be from Mexico. And it's not a real problem, it's a faker. Sis. Hunt is real. I can be excited about teaching. Yay!
Love you all
Hermana Reed
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