Hey there, Hi there, ho there,
Uh, so, here's my theory as to what happened last week. I was on this super slow computer, right? And it takes like a minute to log in. So, I type my e-mail with 29 minutes remaining, writing brilliant stories, filled with humor and spiritual insight, and then with 7 seconds left (plenty of time) I press send. Oh wait, it took a minute to log in. Shoot, so I think the internet sent half of my e-mail before being logged out (that part was still up and running no problem). Sorry you didn't get the rest of the e-mail. I didn't really talk about who spoke at the fireside. Just that all the missionaries were the musical number, we sang Called to Serve but like we were marching, and there were flourishes, and standing involved. It was great.
This week has been tan loco. Essentially, you know how people talk about how the MTC is a refiner's fire and God is melting out all our impurities and then molding us into the missionaries he wants us to be? Right now we're just a puddle of dross. I'm pretty sure all of the Hermana's have had a break down some point this week. Lots of crying, and lots of awkward "Can I help?" from the teachers. Also, our teachers have decided, that as women we may not be as willing to open up to male teachers, so we've gotten really close to Hermana Barker, who is the teacher for the District that came in right after us. She has seen all of us cry (although, to be fair, our teachers have to. We're not that picky about who we cry to as long as someone is listening). It blows though because more than anything we would like a priesthood hug, which requires a male presence, and we're not allowed to hug the Elders in our district. Super lame. The Elders are struggling to though, espanol is getting crazy, and we're coming up on the first week where we teach a lesson completely in spanish. Stress-maximum. It was a good thing it was General Conference this weekend otherwise, we wouldn't just be a puddle, we'd be....I don't know, gas or something, so much pressure we'd explode. Something, I don't know.
General Conference was sweet, I haven't had time yet to review my notes. But I stayed awake through all sessions, which I was rather shocked at, considering as a missionary sitting in the dark usually has a magnetic affect on my eyes, and not as a missionary I think I've been able to stay completely awake through all of the sessions.....maybe twice? We'd definately be pushing it with three times. Regardless, I loved all the talks and expect everyone to be married when I come back....except for Ethan. Go to prom, then on a mission. Fallyn....that would be weird, but I accept whatever the Lord has in plan. Jk, you're not even close to being out of highschool. Good luck with prom though, Ethan. That's pretty tight. You in a tux, I want pictures.
Anyways, so I wanted to take some time to talk about my district since I haven't done that yet. I sent the parentals pictures, so bug them to see them. First there's Elder Streadbeck who is an absolute sweetheart. He LOVES talking with the Hermana's and is super funny, and doesn't mind talking about girls or girl problems. Anything we throw at him, he's comfortable with. His companion, Elder Devore, reminds me of Ron Weasley. In looks and personality. It's an interesting mixture for a companionship. But no one's died yet, so we're good. Then there's Elder Mower, he's our leader, spiritually and physically. He's always keeping us on track, and has great thoughts. He helps boost us up when as a district we're struggling and knows how to give us confidence right before we go into the TRC for our teaching appointments. He was the district leader, now he's the zone leader. He is absolutely fantastic. His companion is Elder Black who is one of the most chill, relaxed men I have ever met. Nothing seems to affect this man. He studies really hard and has excellent insights, and his spanish is fantastic. He's our best speaker. Totally chill.
Elder Washburn reminds me of Eeyore. He kind of acts like he's glum but really he's very happy. very relaxed, go with the flow type of guy. Apparently he almost went home his first week, but no one except his companion knew it. And now that he's committed to staying he's broken out of his shell a bit, and this guy is funny! Which is good because his companion, Elder Proctor is a ridiculous type of person. Elder Proctor reminds me a lot of Ethan, plus he's a huge jokester, loves to tell stories and make other people laugh. But he's also such a sweetheart. You could talk to him about anything. Elder Proctor was also the one having heart problems, and it is phenomenal to see the growth he's made by relying on the Lord. Good news in that regard, he had a 20% chance of going to Argentina, his heart was functioning so badly. And, he's going. When he got the news he was ecstatic! And we all were for him as well. He wanted so badly to go to Argentina. And now he can. It's way cool.
So, that's all the Elders. I love my district. We get a long so well and are so tight with each other. A lot of people have commented on it, which intrigues me. I mean, you're with these people 24/7 for 9 weeks, how can you not get close to each other? But we're already planning on going for tractor rides in Nephi, going to each other's homecomings. We want to see each other after the mission, and we're all kind of sad that we're not all going to the same mission.
Okay, that's about it for me. I'm running out of time. But one last thing. There is this Elder in our zone, Elder Kirk. He actually just flew out to Chile this Monday. But if everyone could keep him in your prayers that would be great. His mom died last Friday. It was very unexpected. His dad woke up and went to check something/work on something and when he came back about an hour later his wife still hadn't gotten up. So, she died in her sleep, but it wasn't like she was sick. I don't think. And when Elder Kirk told us on Sunday he said that his dad IS sick, and he knew when he came on a mission that there was a good probability that his dad wouldn't be there when he got back. As he was leaving, Elder Kirk was smiling, he knows that what he is doing is important. But it's going to be a rough couple of months, especially as he's heading straight into Chile right now. He can do it, but if everyone would pray for him, that would be great.
keep on truckin' no day is so bad you can't find at least one reason to smile. :)
Hermana Reed
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